Join Me at The Creating Cafe as we discuss Who You Are as Your Authentic Self

The Creating Cafe on WWNN Radio Boca Raton AM 1470

at 2:00 PM EDT and 10:00 EDT PM Today

Who You Are as Your Authentic Self!

How is your life impacted today due to your feelings of unworthiness?

What are you willing to do to ‘break your bonds of unworthiness’?

Who might you become if you understood how incredibly worthy you are – of all you create; of all that is possible; and of all you are intended to be?

If you became your ‘authentic self’ who would you be?

In this dynamic show, you will be presented with wonderfully simple tools to shift your perception of who you are; how you might step into becoming all that you can be; and discovering how to shift your consciousness to perceive your own worthiness and incredible self. Accepting who we are and understanding our incredible worth allows us to transform our lives.

In this show, The Angelic Realm, Barbara’s guest, Kimberly Ann Coots, and Barbara will address their perspectives on the impacts of believing in ourselves and how dramatically it can ‘shift’ our lives with ease and grace.

Barbara’ guest, Kimberly Ann Coots, is a life and business development coach, spiritual counsellor and author of the book Divine Worth: Break the Bonds of Unworthiness and Create the Life You Desire.  Kimberly Ann, through her own life experiences, is sharing with the world the wonderful possibilities that are available by only….only accepting our how wonderful we each are.  Are you willing to consider believing in you?

At the Creating Café, Barbara Joye, The Shift Guru, discusses societal perceptions that you may want to consider shifting. If you have ever wondered why your life is as it is; if you have ever desired anything different in your life and wondered how to create such a difference; if you are simply an individual with an open mind and a questioning nature, you will want to begin this series and follow the shifts that occur in your life as you begin to consciously create your own life.

Shift Your Perspective – Shift Your Belief – Shift Your Life Experience

This information is addressed in The Creating Formula.  To hear a chapter or two, go to

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2 Responses to “Join Me at The Creating Cafe as we discuss Who You Are as Your Authentic Self”

  1. eve isk Says:

    I’ve looking for this info for a long time, thanks for your work.

    • shiftguru Says:

      Thank you for your kind comments and let me know if there is a question or topic on which you would like some insights and clarity.
      In Joy – Barbara

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