Posts Tagged ‘choice’

The Final Creating Cafe discusses Life Transitions

October 2, 2011

The Creating Cafe on WWNN Radio, Boca Raton AM1470

at 9:00 EDT PM Sunday, October 2nd

Discussing Life Transitions

How well do you deal with the transitions that occur in your life?

What types of transitions are you better at handling…worse at handling?

How would you define the difference?

What do life transitions tell you about your own soul’s evolution?

In this last Creating Cafe show, you will be presented with Barbara’s perceptions of the current transitions in her life.  Through Barbara’s sharing, you may begin to gain insights on how you handle the transitions that occur in your life.  No one is immune from transition – it is only in the engaging in the transition that be can easily begin to understand what many of our beliefs and fears.  And isn’t that what the earth experience is all about…evolution and growth with as little stress as possible?

In this show, The Angelic Realm  and Barbara herself will address the impact of life transitions, how to identify them, how to engage in their ‘learning’ and then how to move through them gracefully and with full consciousness…whether you want to our not!

Barbara Joye is The Shift Guru.  Her focus is assisting individual like you to discover and shift their limiting perspectives and beliefs on life, so they may create the life of their dreams.  Visit Barbara on her website at, explore her Book The Creating Formula, Speaking topics and Guide session’s offerings to see how she can assist you in creating the life you desire and deserve.

Shift Your Perspective – Shift Your Belief – Shift Your Life Experience

Create the life you desire and deserve – find out how with the amazing book, The Creating Formula.  Order it at

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How Do You End Relationships?

August 22, 2011

The question this week is how do you end relationships?

Many of us are very good at beginning relationships – whether they be simple friendships or intimate relationships ending in marriage.

And how many of us are good at ending those same relationships?

The answer is not many. We typically find ourselves becoming the victim of the other individual or circumstances…and we find reasons to ask others to take sides; to bully a situations or be bowed by one; and to then remember the harm someone did to us forever…no matter the impact on us or them OR the accuracy of the details.

On The Creating Cafe radio show this week, the topic is Divorce Vows…the ending of relationships.  I believe you will find this conversation most interesting. Consider how you end relationships and then consider joining WWNN 1470 to hear how you might choose to end them differently.

Shift Your Perspective – Shift Your Belief – Shift Your Life Experience

Create the life you desire and deserve – find out how with the amazing book, The Creating Formula.  Order it at

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Are You Running from Your Sensations?

May 10, 2011

Running from our sensations is the topic for this week.

It has been said that our emotions are the most informative aspects of our lives.  In that same way, our sensations, which are just a bit different from our emotions, also tell us a great deal.

Our sensations are our emotional response to events.  They are formed when we are quite small and they keep the ‘I can’t’ phenomenon in our belief system.  Our sensations are those built-in response systems which keep us in the belief system of our three-year-old selves.  They are followed by (if we listen very carefully) the worlds our parents or elders used to say and they carry with them our parents (or elders or siblings,  who, by the way, most likely are carrying our parents or elders beliefs and fears) .

And these wonderfully protective sensations are guiding us to create our lives with all of the fears and issues of our parents or elders.

Isn’t it about time to acknowledge these sensations?

Isn’t it about time to consider shifting these sensations?

Isn’t it about time to begin living our lives from the perspective of the adult ‘us’ rather than the ‘three-year-old’ us?

This week the topic of sensations is address on The Creating Cafe with my guest David Friedman.  Tune in Wednesday on WWNN Radio or Thursday to Blog Talk Radio to understand more about this limiting phenomenon.

Shift Your Perspective – Shift Your Belief – Shift Your Life Experience

This information is addressed in The Creating Formula.  To hear a chapter or two, go to

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Belief: Living Soul to Soul

May 3, 2011

Do you believe it is possible to live ‘soul to soul’?

How differently would your interactions with individuals and other soul encased beings  be if you were to see their possibilities beyond that which they (we) tend to show to the world?

How differently would you perceive yourself if you were able to truly see your soul self and live life from that perspective rather than from the perspective of your limiting beliefs?

This is the topic and these are some of the questions being addressed this week at The Creating Cafe.

Join us for an hour of possibilities as we – The Angelic Realm, Annie Burnside, and myself, Barbara Joye, contemplate the possibilities and even address some of the first steps to take to begin living in such a manner.

Shift Your Perspective – Shift Your Belief – Shift Your Life Experience

This information is addressed in The Creating Formula.  To hear a chapter or two, go to

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The Creating Cafe with Rae Luskin and Saying Yes to Life!

April 28, 2011

The Creating Cafe on Blog Talk Radio

as Barbara Joye and her guest Rae Luskin

discuss the topic of Saying ‘Yes’ to Life

Are you tired of feeling invisible?

            Have you seemed to lose the joy and passion you had as a child?

                        What is the legacy you desire to leave through you living?

Very few of us are truly optimizing our lives.  Very few of us are living beyond the ‘grey’ of the societal norms.  Very few of us are truly living the life we came to live – the life of a dynamic creating element.

If you are ready to consider the possibilities of your life from a new perspective….If you are ready to practice the art of living in the moment and following the guidance of your Angelic Team…If you are ready to Say Yes to Life this is a show you will definitely want to hear and consider the possibilities it provides.

In this show, The Angelic Realm and Barbara’s guest, Rae Luskin, artist, community activist and author of her recently released book – Art from The Heart, a book for children of all ages, and Barbara will address how each individual may choose to begin Saying Yes to Life. By saying Yes to Life, you begin to engage in your evolution in a creating and beautiful manner. 

Shift Your Perspective – Shift Your Belief – Shift Your Life Experience

This information is addressed in The Creating Formula.  To hear a chapter or two, go to

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The Creating Cafe with Margaret Ann Lembo and the topic of Self Awareness

April 13, 2011

The Creating Cafe on Blog Talk Radio

as Barbara Joye and her guests Margaret Ann Lembo

discuss Tools for Self Awareness…How Self Aware are You?

A definition for Self Awareness is the process of becoming aware of our self and our own preferences in regards to our desires, our position in life, and our intentions for this lifetime…this living. 

  • How Self Aware are you?
  • What does your Self Awareness tell you about yourself, your life, your life agenda?
  • Would becoming more Self Aware add additional insights and information for the living of your life, allowing you to follow your bliss more than your blisters?

 Becoming Self Aware seems to be a very beneficial aspect for living a full and rich life.  This unique awareness of our preferences, our knowingness, and our choices is the definition of the level of self awareness we are each seeking during this time in earth and evolutionary history. Becoming more self aware leads to an awakening of consciousness, something many individuals are seeking at this time, for very good reasons.

In this show, The Angelic Realm and Barbara’s guest, Margaret Ann Lembo, will address the many ways in which we can each easily become self aware which naturally leads to our own awakening consciousness. 

Join us for this amazing show as The Angelic Realm, Margaret Ann Lembo and Barbara Joye share their insights and experiences as they have watched and become self aware and are moving into their own awakened consciousness.

Shift Your Perspective – Shift Your Belief – Shift Your Life Experience

This information is addressed in The Creating Formula.  To hear a chapter or two, go to

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Join Me at The Creating Cafe as we discuss Becoming Self Aware

April 13, 2011

Becoming Self Aware on WWNN Radio Boca Raton AM 1470

 at 2:00 PM EDT and 10:00 EDT PM Today

How Self Aware are You?

A definition for Self Awareness is the process of becoming aware of our self and our own preferences in regards to our desires, our position in life, and our intentions for this lifetime…this living. 

  • How Self Aware are you?
  • What does your Self Awareness tell you about yourself, your life, your life agenda?
  • Would becoming more Self Aware add additional insights and information for the living of your life, allowing you to follow your bliss more than your blisters? (more…)

The Creating Cafe with Dr. Philip Friedman and The Magic of Forgiveness

April 6, 2011

The Creating Cafe on Blog Talk Radio

as Barbara Joye and her guests Dr Philip Friedman 

discuss The Magic of Forgiveness

Do you realize how bogged down your life has become due to your inability to forgive either yourself or others for some action or inaction?  Do you understand how allowing forgiveness into your life not only expands the possibilities in your life, it also expands the possibilities of what you might allow yourself to believe is possible?

Forgiveness, of self and others, has become a topic of great interest as humanity is moving through this time of great shift and transition.  Forgiveness is one of the last miracles that most of us have not takes seriously; have not really understood; and have not engaged in practicing. Understanding and practicing Forgiveness truly creates magic in your life and the lives of those around you.

In this show, The Angelic Realm and Barbara’s guest, Dr. Philip Friedman, will address the many aspects of forgiveness and the powerful and beautiful ramifications when one practices allowing forgiveness into their lives. 

Join us for this amazing show as The Angelic Realm, Dr. Philip Friedman and Barbara Joye share their insights and observations on how you might choose forgiveness and all of the magic it brings as a means to create the life you desire and deserve.

Shift Your Perspective – Shift Your Belief – Shift Your Life Experience

This information is addressed in The Creating Formula.  To hear a chapter or two, go to

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The Angelic Realm as They explain The Creating Formula

March 9, 2011

The Angelic Realm explains The Creating Formula on Blog Talk Radio

You create each and every day…with every breath you take, every thought you think, every preference you have and every decision you make. Through the writing known as The Creating Formula: Achieving the Life you Deserve,  the Angelic Realm has shared this formula, this creating process in great detail.To assist humanity in understanding it further, the Angelic Realm is now sharing and explaining this formula in greater detail and in their own words. 

  • If you would like to shift certain elements of your life;
  • If you desire to create a different reality to live and enjoy;
  • If you believe such is possible and desire to understand how ‘it’ all works;

Then ‘listen up’ to this segment of The Creating Café and begin to create the life you desire and deserve. 

In this show, The Angelic Realm addresses The Creating Formula, explaining each and every element, the overall process of creating, and the typical hinderances created by humanity.  Host Barbara Joye concludes the show with some additional understandings and steps to take which she, herself, has learned as she has practiced The Creating Formula.

Join us for this amazing show as The Angelic Realm and Barbara Joye share their insights and observations so you may consider the possibilities of creating the life you desire and deserve.   Barbara recommends you read the book she co-authored with The Angelic Realm, The Creating Formula for further information regarding the creating process and your role in optimizing the life you are living.

At the Creating Café, Barbara Joye, The Shift Guru, will discuss societal perceptions that you may want to consider shifting; guests who will share how they are shifting their life and her famous ‘Conscious Creating’ segment where she brings in the Angelic Realm to share their perspectives on life and living.

To follow the discussions on this show, you may find it valuable to read Creating Formula or listen to it on Podiobooks (both can be found on 

If you have ever wondered why your life is as it is; if you have ever desired anything different in your life and wondered how to create such a difference; if you are simply an individual with an open mind and a questioning nature, you will want to begin this series and follow the shifts that occur in your life as you begin to consciously create your own life.

You will be delighted and amazed and shifted with this inspiring and enjoyable show.  Tune in to WWNN AM 1470, Boca Raton, Florida and listen every Wednesday at either 2:00 PM EST or 10:00 PM EST or listen at your leisure at .

Barbara Joye is The Shift Guru.  Her focus is assisting individual like yourself to discover and shift their limiting perspectives and beliefs on life, so they may create the life of their dreams.  Visit Barbara on her website at, explore her Book The Creating Formula, Speaking topics and Guide session’s offerings to see how she can assist you in creating the life you desire and deserve.

 How would you like to consider shifting some of your long-held  beliefs? 

Shift Your Perspective – Shift Your Belief – Shift Your Life Experience

This information is addressed in The Creating Formula.  To hear a chapter or two, go to

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Belief: In the grieving process

March 7, 2011

Life transitions have a way of affecting us in one manner or another.  And, as is often the case, life transitions seems to come upon us in groups of three. 

I am in the process of dealing with three life transitions and am finding the grieving process to be very different this time than others.  I am finding that my ability to recover, to return to normal, and to fully understand the impact upon those of us who continue to live on the earth plane to be quite unusual.

Life continues and life shifts.  And that is all I know for now as I continue with my own life shifts and the beliefs that are creating their impact upon my current iteration.  Such fun for The Shift Guru…no one is exempt!

How would you like to consider shifting some of your long-held  beliefs? 

Shift Your Perspective – Shift Your Belief – Shift Your Life Experience

This information is addressed in The Creating Formula.  To hear a chapter or two, go to

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