Posts Tagged ‘Alignment’

Belief: Living Soul to Soul

May 3, 2011

Do you believe it is possible to live ‘soul to soul’?

How differently would your interactions with individuals and other soul encased beings  be if you were to see their possibilities beyond that which they (we) tend to show to the world?

How differently would you perceive yourself if you were able to truly see your soul self and live life from that perspective rather than from the perspective of your limiting beliefs?

This is the topic and these are some of the questions being addressed this week at The Creating Cafe.

Join us for an hour of possibilities as we – The Angelic Realm, Annie Burnside, and myself, Barbara Joye, contemplate the possibilities and even address some of the first steps to take to begin living in such a manner.

Shift Your Perspective – Shift Your Belief – Shift Your Life Experience

This information is addressed in The Creating Formula.  To hear a chapter or two, go to

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The Creating Cafe – The Super Hero…You!

February 9, 2011

The Super Hero…You!  on WWNN Radio Boca Raton AM 1470 at 2:00 EST and 10:00 EST Today

How have you gone about discovering who you really are…much less what powers you command?  Where do you receive your support for finding yourself?  Do you look to ‘the heavens’ when you feel in the need of assistance?  Do you only look to the earth plane for support and guidance?  In this show, The Angelic Realm, Barbara’s guests, and she herself will be discussing the aspects of team – Soul Team in particular. This topic can be found in The Creating Formula, Chapter 8, You are a Soul with a Soul Team.  Her guest for this show is Becca Haydon, Master Numerologist, Seeker and Discoverer of her own unique gifts, powers, and skills.  Join me, Barbara Joye, at The Creating Café for this lively and thought provoking discussion of You and Your Soul Team!

How would you like to consider shifting some of your long-held  beliefs? 

Shift Your Perspective – Shift Your Belief – Shift Your Life Experience

This information is addressed in The Creating Formula.  To hear a chapter or two, go to

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Belief: Following The Pack

January 21, 2011

How often has following the pack, whomever you define as ‘the pack’ been valuable to you?  How often has it been less than valuable…perhaps even detrimental?

My intention, or some might call it resolution, for this year is to follow my own guidance.  This has already meant leaving the pack.  I did not think much about this potential aspect of my intention. I really did not even consider it.  And yes, here it is.  Leaving the pack, the norm, the tried-and-true, what everyone else does.

So I had a bit of soul-searching yesterday.  Did I really want to leave the pack?  If I did and followed guidance and was not successful, what would happen besides me beating me up for being ‘so stupid’.  Would I lose faith in my guidance?  Would I lose faith in my ability to listen to – hear – and follow my guidance?

I decided to stay the course of my intention and now, here I am…on the edge…learning all about the feeling of safely when following the norm and the feeling of exhilaration when not following the norm.  We shall see just how different life is going to be.

Would you be willing to follow guidance instead of the norm?  And, if you have, what have you discovered – about you? about your guidance? about the norm?????

How would you like to consider shifting some of your long-held  beliefs? 

Shift Your Perspective – Shift Your Belief – Shift Your Life Experience

This information is addressed in The Creating Formula.  To hear a chapter or two, go to

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What is this issue of Trust?

July 19, 2010

And I thought I had spent enough time on ‘trust’  within the context of The Creating Formula. I was corrected by my Guides.  So I returned to the back cover of The Journal of Trusting and spent more time in contemplation. 

What is this issue of trust?  How far will the trust factor take us?  What is the balance point between trust of the non-physical and living in the physical?  Or is there a balance point?  These and many other questions entered my mind when I was directed back to the topic of ‘trust’.

I decided my best approach was to spend some time in meditation.  I love to meditate on a topic. I am not so good just meditating to be meditating.  With this juicy topic, my expectation was that the meditation would be very active and insightful.  And I was not disappointed. (more…)

Living ‘The Creating Formula’: Meditating

July 14, 2010

As usual, I was awakened around 4:30.  Knowing I would not be able to go back to sleep, I went to my meditation space and settled into meditate.  While I was scanning The Creating Formula, I noted some information about the energy flow from The Universe as it relates to the formula.  I had remembered that section of the writing as it was connected to my logo (which amazed me) and I figured this morning was the perfect morning to practice this energy pattern.

Specifically, the energy pattern speaks to opening either the crown chakra or the root chakra and bringing in either Cosmic/Universal Energy or Earth Energy.  Then, to bring this energy to the creating center in our physical bodies (called the ‘fire in the belly’).  With this energy pouring into the creating center, to begin to draw in all that each of our Soul Teams have selected for us from the Field of Infinite Possibilities.  The visual for this accepting of the gifts from our Soul Team is the infinity symbol. 

Living ‘The Creating Formula’: A Cosmic Mulligan

July 12, 2010

So, staying with the chapter which states that we creating in the ‘not knowing’ I continued on doing my very best to understand what which seemed a bit circular.  And, just as I was thinking this, I read the section about not allowing the Mental Ego (oh, there are two Ego’s in this book – another surprise and one that I caught while they were dictating). 

Their very words are: “do not let your Mental Ego play its silly circular games with this concept” (p 118).  How did They know this would happen?  And yes, you are correct, I have not progressed much from the last post. 
Then, as I was reading along, they brought in the concept of ‘cosmic mulligans’.  Cosmic mulligans? What in the heck were they?  I know a mulligan. Given my golf game, I have had many mulligans.  And now there are cosmic mulligans?  What a concept.  And, just like in golf, a mulligan is a do-over with costs.  In golf, the cost of a mulligan is twofold – an extra stroke and the possibility that the second shot will not be any better (in fact might be worse) than the first shot. (more…)

Living ‘The Creating Formula’: Creating in the ‘Not Knowing’

July 9, 2010

As I returned to reading, I simply had to ask the same questions again: How can it be that I co-authored this book and I am now reading it as if for the first time…when did The Angelic Realm slip this information in?  Has it been here all of the time? And why did I not take note and integrate it into my life before now?

The information I am referring to is the information on how to know, if we are creating in the not knowing, what we are creating.  And, of course, the Angelic Realm had a ready answer (Page 116 to be exact). The answer is that we are to simply trust our Soul Team (they covered this in an earlier chapter and I will return to it at a later time – yes, I am skipping around – it’s how I process) Trust.  For those who know me, you know that ‘Trust’ is pretty much a four letter word.  Maybe for all of you reading this, trust is a simple matter and you can turn your earth based life over to trust.  I am not one of those blessed individuals who seem able to do this.

When I hear the work ‘trust’ I tend to snarl just a bit and wonder what in the world could be so valuable about trusting.  (Oh, yes, that is another chapter – one that the Angelic Realm brought in at 35,000 feat no less). (more…)

Living ‘The Creating Formula’

July 7, 2010

As I indicated earlier, I do not typically read a book from cover to cover.  I typically review the Table of Contents and then see what calls to me.  So, I returned to the Table of Contents and scan the chapter titles.  The chapter that caught my eye was titled You are Creating that which is Not Known. 

Now how can that be?  Did I really write that?  I was beginning to think that this book was just a great hoax by the Angelic Realm, a trick on humanity.  With this attitude of ‘what in the heck is this’, I proceeded to read the chapter.
Due to the layout of the book, I was reminded of what my thinking was at the time the Angelic Realm or, better said, the three Angels who shared this information, was during this particular morning.  This was the slowest and most methodical of the sharing of information for the entire book. Even the chapter on Trust (and I do mean with a capital ‘T’) was communicated in a much easier format. 

In remembering this difference, it came as no surprise to me that this was the chapter which first leapt out for me to read as a reader, an absorber of knowledge.  And so I began to read.  (more…)

Living ‘The Creating Formula’ – The Prologue

July 5, 2010

So, the Angelic Realm, particularly the three angels who dictated this writing, recommended that my next step in bringing this information to the public is to live the information.  And so I shall.  The Angels (or The Team as I call them) have not let me down to date so why would I expect they would let me down now?

And so I began to explore the book from the perspective of a reader.  As is often the case for me, I tend to go to the Table of Contents and determine what is of most interest at that point. The first segment that caught my eye was The Prologue.  I turned to it and found the following in a Listen Up: “Considerthe possibilities of a life of bliss and joy and delight and abundance”. And so I began to really consider what such a life would look like for me.  I began to view my life from the perspective of the Angelic Realm…to really see what they might be watching as I lived the life I am living. (more…)

Prepared for The Great Transition

June 28, 2010

Now you have completed the preparation.  You have:
1. Increased your frequency and prepared to release fear and embrace compassion as envisioned by the Inca traditions;
2. Returned to alignment with your Self, having entered and enjoined a period of purification as foreseen by the Hopi tradition;
3. Opened your connection with The Divine/The All and have prepared to improve your communication with the Angelic Realm as recommended by modern day Maya tradition; (more…)