Posts Tagged ‘Manifesting’

Limiting Beliefs – What a Bummer

May 23, 2011

Hello all, I have spent quite a bit of time this past week dealing with limiting beliefs – mine, yours, and ours.

And the bad news is that we have lots of them…the good news is that we can shed them as we might a blanket on a warm summer morning.

So, if it is so easy to shed these limiting beliefs, why have we not already done so?  Because we don’t understand them to be limiting…we understand them to be facts of life.  Funny how we have these ‘facts of life’ that limit us and yet we, in this wonderfully free will Universe, have very few ‘facts of life’ that allow us to optimize ourselves.

As you look around you and consider your life, what have you assumed was simply a ‘fact’ and had to be dealt with and what is a ‘possibility to change’ and can be shifted?  Then, take those ‘facts of life’ and begin to think about, dream about, consider how, if you mentally shifted a few of those you might be able to create a more dynamic and fulfilling life.

Funny how a shift of perspective creates a shift of consciousness which creates a shift of reality in daily living.

Go ahead – give it a try.

Shift Your Perspective – Shift Your Belief – Shift Your Life Experience

This information is addressed in The Creating Formula.  To hear a chapter or two, go to

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Musings from The Angelic Realm

November 15, 2010

Recently I was in a light trance and The Angelic Realm asked to share some of their musings about humanity.  I quickly shifted to listening and to taking what I call ‘angelic dictation’.

Musings from The Angelic Realm:

What if humanity each took their role as members of The Angelic Realm, albeit on the physical plane. How much more dynamic would the earth experience be for every human!

What if humanity released the lower vibration of fear and embraced the higher vibrations of love and joy?  Doesn’t humanity understand the difference and the impact of their decisions to live in fear?

What if humanity believed that The Divine/The All knows what is in the hearts of each individual – whether they be an ArchAngel, an Angel, or the littlest Angel….what if humanity believed none of these beings could ever be left alone once they have taken up their mantle of knowing and accepted their role, no matter how challenging or evolutionarily progressive might be.

What if…..said the angel musings?

How would you like to consider shifting some of your beliefs? 

Shift Your Perspective – Shift Your Belief – Shift Your Life Experience

This information is addressed in The Creating Formula.  To hear a chapter or two, go to

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Beliefs about Money – The Work Harder Generation

September 22, 2010

For those of you who remember your parents always focused on money – whether they were products of the Great Depression or children of parent who lived during the Great Depression – you most likely remember family discussions about there never being enough money and how they each (for this was the generation where the mom’s took on a distinct money-making role) had to work harder.  If you remember this, you are most likely a child of the ‘work harder’ generation.

As a child of that generation, you most likely have distinctly different beliefs about money.  Your beliefs may deal with the fact that working harder does not always create more money; that working harder only creates more things to buy; that working harder leaves little time for family and fun…your reationship to money is rather jaded. (more…)

Beliefs about Money – The Great Depression

September 20, 2010

Have you ever wondered what your beliefs are regarding money?  Have you ever taken stock of what money – and the lack or amassing of wealth – truly mean to you from the perspective of your beliefs? 

Most people have never taken stock of their beliefs around money.  Most people simply take for granted that money does as it does and they have to respond…when, in fact, each of your beliefs about money determine whether you create financial abundance in your life of not.  Your beliefs about money and financial strength (or weakness) determine what you will create in your life as it relates to money. (more…)

Living ‘The Creating Formula’ – The Prologue

July 5, 2010

So, the Angelic Realm, particularly the three angels who dictated this writing, recommended that my next step in bringing this information to the public is to live the information.  And so I shall.  The Angels (or The Team as I call them) have not let me down to date so why would I expect they would let me down now?

And so I began to explore the book from the perspective of a reader.  As is often the case for me, I tend to go to the Table of Contents and determine what is of most interest at that point. The first segment that caught my eye was The Prologue.  I turned to it and found the following in a Listen Up: “Considerthe possibilities of a life of bliss and joy and delight and abundance”. And so I began to really consider what such a life would look like for me.  I began to view my life from the perspective of the Angelic Realm…to really see what they might be watching as I lived the life I am living. (more…)

Preparing for The Great Transition

March 24, 2010

Barbara Joye - The Shift Guru
Barbara Joye – The Shift Guru


How does one prepare for a twelve or sixteen year transition?  How do we go about knowing what is correct and what is not correct to do, to align with, and to follow? 
These are the questions I put forth to my Team of Guides and Angels.  And they had a great deal to say.  I quickly understood that this is not a simple process.  There is much to do and a great deal of preparation to be completed on the part of each soul in a physical body.  With this awareness, I asked for some specifics as to the actions to be taken, the shifts of perspective that would be well served to create, and the order in which all of this is recommended.

Shifting Beliefs: Your Glasses to Your World

March 15, 2010

Barbara Joye - The Shift Guru
Barbara Joye – The Shift Guru


 You have now considered looking at your life from the Angelic perspective and the perspective of The Divine/The All.  The question I and the Angelic Realm have for you is which view will you utilize to view your world and your life within your world? 

Which view – your personal knowing view – the  societal view – the Angelic Realms view – or the view of The Divine/The All?  Which view will you create as your glasses to your world?  Which view do you use now? (more…)

Your Life as Viewed by The Divine/The All Continued

March 12, 2010

Barbara Joye - The Shift Guru
Barbara Joye – The Shift Guru


With this thought in mind – the thought that the difference between the Angelic perspective and the perspective of The Divine/The All, I began to ponder my life and my life purpose and how closely aligned those two paths seemed to be at the moment.

Despite all of my thinking and planning, I can only ascertain that the reason for the question is that I am not in the level of alignment that is preferred by The Divine/The All.  And I began to wonder just what it would take to be in the alignment desired by The Divine/The All 


Your Life: A View from the Angelic Perspective

March 8, 2010

Barbara Joye - The Shift Guru
Barbara Joye – The Shift Guru


What would your life look like from the Angels view?  What would you be saying about how you are living your life if you had their perspective, their knowing, their joy?  

 These are the questions that I heard as I awoke the other day.And they really gave me pause. (more…)

Shifting with Joy not Fear

March 3, 2010

Barbara Joye - The Shift Guru
Barbara Joye – The Shift Guru


I overhead an interesting conversation yesterday.  Two people were discussing the earthquake in Chile.  I was amazed to hear one of the individuals state that Mother Earth was angry.  How did we decide that a natural phenomena was due to Mother Earth being angry?  Was she angry when she made the Rocky Mountains?  Or the Andes?  Or was she in ‘shift’?

In my simple opinion, the changes we are observing, such as earth quakes and the resulting tsunami are the result of natural shifts  in Mother Earth. It is that simple and that devastating and that magnificent.  (more…)